
Outrage Over Stonewalling of Berkeley Police Chief No-Confidence Vote

Public outrage is being expressed by Berkeleyans and their allies over Mayor Jesse Arreguín’s and the City Council’s continued stonewalling of council member Cheryl Davila’s motion of no confidence in embattled police chief Andrew Greenwood, which was sidestepped for a second time on Nov. 10.  Following are some of the reactions. — Friends of Adeline.

Paul Lee, Nov. 10

Email to Eugene Turitz, sent while the council meeting was still in session

Is it possible for me to send an email letter to these Berkeley government bastards? 


As a “black” Berkeleyan, I want to register my OUTRAGE and FURY at their consigning the no-confidence vote on Chief Greenwood to the back of the bus.

Of course, this is not unlike Berkeley’s sorry history of educational racism, in which my generation of “black” students was bused up to the mostly-“white” hills while privileged “white” students were bused from there down to the mostly-“black” flatlands — an awkward, ultimately unworkable expedient that reflected the fact that wealthy “white” Berkeleyans didn’t want to live anywhere NEAR us.

That’s what the city is doing tonite — scheduling our concerns to the back of the bus because of ITS refusal to CLOSELY engage the issues that most affect “black,” “brown” and “red” people.


Hell, maybe we should be demanding a no-confidence vote in the mayor, the city manager and the city council if they can’t demonstrate that, in fact rather than merely in cheap rhetoric, Black Lives DO Matter in this fake “progressive” city!

The simple and frightening fact is that non-“white” lives will continue to be on the line, both from the police and from the internalized violence wrought by systematic racism, because Chief Greenwood is an out-of-touch bureaucrat who hasn’t changed his department’s historical culture of CONTAINMENT and CONTROL rather than community engagement and equal justice.

If the city government hears this from the community, but fails to resoundingly censure him, then it will have FURTHER demonstrated that it does CARE about our lives.

It’s clear:  ALL OF THEM MUST BE CALLED OUT! The time is UP! Get on the right side of history or get the hell out!

Friends of Adeline, Nov. 10

We, the Friends of Adeline, strongly urge the Berkeley City Council to collaborate with neighboring cities and public safety organizations to reduce gun violence spilling into Berkeley. The tragic deaths and recent shootings in our city underscore the lack of critical public safety investments in community services. Four years ago the community came together to address the need for anti-gun violence organizers who respectfully work with communities to deescalate tensions and violence. The city took no action.

The gun violence that took Sereinet’e Henderson’s life must be addressed with anti-violence policies and programs that care about the neighborhoods and people affected; and not lead to further traumatization. Berkeley Police Chief Andrew Greenwood’s inability to meaningfully engage respectfully and collaboratively with Black and Brown communities of color in Berkeley only illustrates why we have no confidence in his leadership. He has been unable to address and implement equitable public safety actions and behaviors that respect the needs of our diverse communities. 

Mari Mendonca, Nov. 11

To the Berkeley City Council and Mayor Jesse Arreguín

I wish I could say that I am shocked by the behavior of our Mayor at what happened at tonight’s meeting, but I am not.

How dare you in a time where every aspect of our community is completely compromised.. MISUSE your power to shut up and shut out our community members once again.

Shame on you. How dare Berkeley Claim that it “Stands United Against Hate” and throw around the rhetoric of “Black Lives Matter”… of course the reality of Black Lives is only a ‘fairytale’ to those who haven’t lived the experience; and it is definitely the goal of America to make sure that white supremacy forever reigns supreme.

After buying your re-election using propaganda to “Manufacture Consent” and using manipulative behind the scenes politics to strategize and threaten those who remain principled -it is an unbelievable disgrace and a disgusting display of character or lack thereof.

And don’t you dare try to use the excuse of Cheryl not extending the meeting… you all -all the time remind folks that the time is getting short and that someone needs to extend the meeting… This is a blatant and clear example of the ways that you all work and have worked together to undermine Cheryl… as well as undermining the most controversial issues around systemic racism and the unjust, inequitable power structures of which our entire Nation upholds.

The sad part is that we could actually have a beautiful thriving community, but you have shown that you actually don’t believe we can.

I get it… the “Powers that be” own everything, the economy, the police, the military, the media, every industry that we have become reliant on; and I get that you want your comfy seat at the table in a paradigm where it is believed the 99% will never win.

It’s true… we won’t.. especially with people like you!!

Negeene Mosaed, Nov. 11

Dear City Council Members:

Tonight many members of our community waited hours over the Phone for the second time to voice their opinions regarding the Chief of Police. This item goes to the heart of the issues in our broken  Police force and criminal justice system. A police force that kills innocents and commits acts of violence against our community with impunity. We demand and deserve to be heard , we have put you in the esteemed place to lead and run our city. How dare the mayor ignore our voices and shut the zoom call off because he may feel inconvenienced or under pressure regarding an issue? Maybe he thinks if he keeps this up for more weeks we will all forget and his problem will disappear?

How can this behaviour be allowed to continue ? 

I swiftly request that you all take immediate action to rectify this undemocratic action by the mayor.  We cannot continue these scripted and pre planned assaults on our city and our democratic institutions.

Catherine Huchting, Nov. 12

Email to the Friends of Adeline 

After waiting 3 hours on the phone  to speak on the No Confidence Vote on Greenwood,  I was really pissed to learn that the meeting was cut off on a technicality – because none of Cheryl’s fellow council members had the courtesy to extend the meeting as she forgot to do it. I think I’ll draft a letter to Berkeleyside. I doubt that they’ll print it – but who cares.